Chinese Netizens Pay For Content, BlockChain, Math Mindsets, Germany Academics

Chinese Netizens More Willing To Pay For Content Online, Say Experts and Industry Players

Are you willing to pay for content?

The 7 Habits of Calmness

Don’t rush in the morning and reduce your noise are my favorites.

Chinese Children Crush Americans In Math Thanks To a Mindset Americans Only Display In One Place: Sports

It is all about the mindset!!!

Mortgages In Terms Of Years Of Working Life

It’s an interesting map of the U.S. showing how many annual salaries would it take to buy a house.

Blockchain is going to hit the media industry hard, just like the Internet

Blockchain and how it will change media.

Academic Excellence: Golden Germany

Germany is an intellectual hub and how it changes the academic landscape for everyone around the world for the better.

A Brief History of Productivity: How Getting Stuff Done Became an Industry

Today productivity is BIG business! The writer breaks it down and goes back in time to figure it all out for us. Good read.



Et Cetera

The Man Who Snuck Into the Ivy League Without Paying a Thing

This is an interesting account about a man who went to school for free and got all the benefits of an Ivy league school.

Mind Your Diet

It is not only about what you eat but what you watch, read and listen.

I spent years discovering the simple tactics gurus like Oprah, Einstein, and Buffett used to become successful—here they are

Slow Down, Work Less, Learn More, and Think Long-Term: Can This work?

America the Illiterate

There are Two Americas, the illiterate and literate, read this by Chris Hedges.

Ryan Holiday’s Reading List

Take a look. Its filled with tons a good reading material from the author of The Obstacle is the Way and The Daily Stoic. Good Stuff.






Robert Greene And Bits Of Mastery

When life comes at you and nothing can move you towards your goal. Here is one author who can help.

Robert Greene is the author of many great books, his most recent; Mastery is no exception.

Here are some bits from the man himself. Remember, motivation and patience will come along way!

I am Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and others — AMA * r/IAmA

Hey Reddit, I’m Robert Greene, author of [The 48 Laws of…

Robert Greene – Mastery Introduction

THE ULTIMATE POWER / Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands, like a sculptor the raw material he will fashion into a figure. But it’s the same with that type of artistic

Art of Manliness Podcast #46: Mastery with Robert Greene | The Art of Manliness

Robert Greene: How to Become the Master of Any Skill

Robert Greene I recently spoke to Robert Greene, who is most known as the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power. He also wrote The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, and The 50th Law. His highly anticipated fifth book, Mastery, examines the lives […]

Habits Of Success

Some habits are hard to change but in order to achieve success, changes are necessary. What can you change and how?

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist